請問有什麼牌子在意大利買會平宜些 (平香港多少?) 有那些價錢是差不多呢? (歡迎提供任何牌子資料: 衫, 褲, 鞋, 物, 手袋, 銀包...等) 謝謝!!
意大利名牌時裝, 手袋, 配飾: GUCCI, Dolce & Gabbana, Prada, Brooks Brother, DKNY, Daniel Cremieux, Calvin Klein, Fendi, Helmut Lang, Salvatore Ferragamo, Michael Kors, Halogen, Giorgio Armani, Tizeto, Cerruti Jeans, Moncler, Henry Cotton's, Marina Yachting, BVLGARI, Jean Paul Gaultier 意大利男/女裝皮鞋: Le Saunda, STEMAR by Moreschi, LOEWE, Bally Testoni, Yves S. Laurent, Miu Miu, Jil Sander 運動及戶外活動品牌: Mizuno, Lecoq Sportif, Columbia, Garmont, La Sportiva 意大利名牌既特賣場 Factory outlets in Milano il" Salavagente Location:16 Via Fratelli Bronzetti Telephone:(02) 7611 0328 Famous brand:Comme des GarconsFendi, Ferre,Jil Sander, Prada,Yohji Yamamoto, Versace *Prices are up to 50% off. In each January, an additional 60% discount would be offered. Vestistock Location:11 Via Ramazzini Telephone:(02) 2951 4497 Famous brand:Alberta Ferretti,Armani, Armani Junior,Calvin Klein, D&G,DKNY, ETRO,Genny, Missoni Kids,Ralph Lauren, ValentinoVersace *Prices are up to 60% off. In each January, an additional 30% - 50% discount would be offered. Vesti Moda Location:28 Via Manro Manhi Telephone:(02) 6707 1486 Famous brand:Alberta Ferretti,Armani, Byblos,D&G, ETRO,Ferre, Genny,Valentino, Versace *Prices are up to 50% - 60% off Factory outlets at the sub-urban area of Milano Armani Outlet Location:Via Provinciale Per Bregnano 13, Vertemate con Minobrio Telephone:(3931) 887 373 Famous brand:Armani *Prices are up to 50% off. In each January, an additional 30% - 50% discount would be offered. *Get 13%-16% tax rebates if you spend more than L360,000. Factory outlets at the sub-urban area of Florence Anteprima Outlet (thanks to Michelle) Location:Via Borro del Tasso 291/B - Terranuova Bracciolini Transportation:10 mins away from Prada Outlet. Opening hours:Mon - Sat10:30 - 18:30 Dolce & Gabbana Spaccio (thanks to Michelle) Location:Loc. S. Maria Maddalena, 49 - Incisa Valdarno Transportation:2 mins away from Gucci Outlet. Famous brand:Dolce & Gabbana *Prices are up to 40% - 60% off. Opening hours:Mon - Sat09:00 - 18:00 Gucci Outlet (thanks to Michellen and Michael Guenza) Location:The Mall - new shopping centre - Via Europa, 8 - Leccio - Reggello Email:info@design-management.it Telephone:39 055 865 7775 *Operator speaks Italian, Japanese and English. Fax:39 055 865 7801 Transportation:BY TRAIN: Form Florence's Santa Maria Novella Station to Rignano sull'Arno and continue by taxi (about 5 min.) to Leccio. Famous brand:Bottega Veneta,Giorgio Armani, Gucci,Loro Piana, Sergio Rossi,Yves S. Laurent *Prices are up to 35% - 70% off. Opening hours:Apr 1 - Sep 30Mon - Sat09:00 - 19:00 Sun15:00 - 19:00 Oct 1 - Mar 31Mon - Sat09:00 - 18:00 Sun15:00 - 19:00 *Closed: national holidays, better to call the information call center to check in advance (39 055 865 7775) 購物熱點 Porta Portese跳蚤市場 要體驗一下羅馬的地道文化,Porta Portese跳蚤市場便是最好的目的地,這兒有點像香港的女人街,大道兩旁放滿攤檔,售賣著名的意大利皮鞋、熱狗、麵包和牛仔褲、首飾等,價錢相宜,更難得的是,在跳蚤市場內尋尋覓覓,順道領略當地文化,便是旅遊的最大樂趣。地址:聖天使堡對面開放時間:逢星期日06:30至14:00 交通:中央火車站乘75號巴士直達 Via Condotti大道 西班牙樓梯的起點就是Via Condotti大道,這兒極受遊客歡迎,名牌子Prada、Giorgio Armani、Gucci、Salvatore Ferragamo等在這兒都設有分店,星期天整條街更擠得水洩不通,很多產品如L.V.及Prada都比香港便宜,難怪特別獲遊人的垂青。 Fendi 在西班牙廣場對開的Via Borgognona便有一間大型的Fendi服裝店,裏面有最新款的貨品等著你選購。地址:Via Borgongnona 36 電話:06-679 6749 參考資料: http://www.hkcities.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=18 http://members.tripod.com/outletshops/ http://hk.travel.yahoo.com/city/rome/shop.html
BALLY (鞋) burluti (袋, 鞋 , 衫) 必買呀.....意大利出皮最好 買多d皮就無錯啦 以上2個品牌....買平hk 4成 burberry 去london.買..仲平= =