急!! 中譯英!! 譯唔哂既譯到幾句都好 2233................
果凍=jelly 龜苓膏=The Tortoise Jelly 香蕉糕=Chinese Style Banana Roll (or Chinese Style Banana Bun) 豆沙包=a steamed bun with sweetened bean paste filling 老婆餅=Chinese Wife Cake 綠豆糕=Green Bean Cake 紅豆糕=Red Bean Cake 饅頭=Plain Steamed Bun 布甸=Pudding 蓮容包我唔識-,-
果凍-Fruit jelly 龜苓膏-Turtle water chestnut paste 香蕉糕-Banana cake 豆沙包-Bean sandbag 蓮容包-Lotus Rong Pao 老婆餅-The Chinese wife cake 綠豆糕-Mung bean cake 紅豆糕-Red bean cake 饅頭-Steamed bun 布甸-Pudding|||||果凍 The fruit jelly 龜靈糕the turtle spirit cake 香蕉糕the banana cake 豆沙包the bean sandbag 蓮容包lotus Rong Pao 老婆餅the wife cake 綠豆糕the mung bean cake 紅豆糕the red bean cake 慢頭man tow 布甸 the pudding|||||Fruit jelly(果凍) Turtle water chestnut paste(龜苓膏) Banana cake(香蕉糕) Bean sandbag(豆沙包) Lotus Rong Pao(蓮容包) Wife cake(老婆餅) Mung bean cake(綠豆糕) Red bean cake(紅豆糕) Steamed bun(饅頭) Pudding(布甸)