英文選用 a an the
I got a newspaper at a/the drugstore. I've got a/an/the invitation right here. 請給予解釋為什麼選用 a/an/the 在此先謝謝
a Count nouns use the article A/a if the noun starts with a consonant. an Count nouns use the article An/an if the noun starts with a vowel. the Both count and non-count nouns use the article the to make a noun more specific. This article is used for unque persons, places, things, and musical instruments. I got a newspaper at a drugstore. 我從一間藥房買了一份報紙. I got a newspaper at the drugstore. 我從這間藥房買了一份報紙. I've got an invitation right here.
a/an/the invitation usually u use "an" when the front letter of the next words starts with a, e , i , o and u that means it should be an invitation|||||您好,我推薦您一個非常不錯的英語學習網站,里面有很多非常不錯的學習資源,您能從中得到不少幫助: http://www.hkenglishstudy.info 祝您好運!|||||a,單數用,e.g. a vet 一個獸醫/獸醫,an egg 注意,詞後有S不能+ an,單數用,不過名詞的第1個字係要A,E,I,O,U先可以用,冇A,E,I,O,U唔可以用,只限第一個字,e.g. an egg注意,詞後有S不能+ the有多個用法,有 一 這(個),那(個) 二 這些,那些 三 用於形容詞,副詞比較級前)越...越... 4 (用於比較級前)更加 e.g The sooner, the better hope你可以給我最佳回答,多謝