a long oral tradition 點解?
a long oral tradition 點解?
a long oral tradition 點解? 悠久的口述傳統。 現在的書藉刊物普遍,全世界大部分人都識字,但回想起幾十年前,香港有不少人文盲,特別是婦女。教育這工作惟有靠口述。印刷術和教育其實只有幾百年的歷史,人類歷史中大部分時期大部分人都是文盲,所有文學傳統都是靠口述傳給下一代,幾千年也是如是。聖經由故事傳在都寫成文字也需幾十至一二百年,世界上的著名史詩也是靠口述一代‘傳一代,到寫成文字都有好一段時間,幾百一千年。不少詩和傳說便是這個例子。 It's rather clear from the way that the stories develop in the gospels that the Christians who are writing the gospels a generation after the death of Jesus are doing so from a stock of oral memory, that is, stories that had been passed down to probably by followers. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/religion/story/oral.html Oral history is an account of something passed down by word of mouth from one generation to another. Oral history is considered by some historians to be an unreliable source for the study of history. However, other historians consider it to be a valid means for preserving and transmitting history. Experience within literate cultures indicates that each time anyone reconstructs a memory, there are changes in the memory, but the core of the story is usually retained. Over time, however, minor changes can accumulate until the story becomes unrecognizable. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oral_history 歷史便是好例子,口述,一代傳一代。 It is a foundation of our faith to believe that God gave Moses an oral explanation of the Torah along with the written text. This oral tradition is now essentially preserved in the Talmud and Midrashim. We thus speak of two Torahs. ... www.aish.com/literacy/concepts/The_Oral_Tradition.asp - 75k - 神給摩西的猶太經也是如此,靠口傳。 上面的網頁你入去看看,便可明白。 判斷答案不能只靠答題者等級和上網歷史,雖現 HTML 工具好好用,不少新到知識的答題者臥虎藏龍,雖然不乏老點的人。不少人說自己有甚麼經驗居住外地也不能盡信,凡事總要自己求證,可 GOOGLE 求證。不論新人舊人,從採用率便可見一斑。