

法國學生VISA到期,還沒有CARTE de SEJOUR. 可以去德國嗎?


helloMy france student visa expires in November, yet I don't have my Carte de Sejour or even Recipisse (sorry don't know spelling).To my knowledge, first time carte de sejour applicant cannot leave France after the visa expires until they receive their card.Yet I read something that, this is an... 顯示更多 hello My france student visa expires in November, yet I don't have my Carte de Sejour or even Recipisse (sorry don't know spelling). To my knowledge, first time carte de sejour applicant cannot leave France after the visa expires until they receive their card. Yet I read something that, this is an exception if you have a passport that doens't require tourist visa. (which I do have) Does anybody know whether I can leave France?


Please refer to your Visa stuck on your passport and check the information on it. If the visa states that it valid for "France + 1 Transit Schengen". That means you are only allowed to enter France for ONCE only. Before you get the Carte de Sejour, if you leave France to other countries, you have to make sure that you can have right to go back to France. Of course, if your passport can let you enter France without visa, no one will know you have been to Germany before getting the Carte de Sejour since there is no immigration counter in the boundary and there is no officer will stamp your passport. As a result, you can go to Germany, but it's not recommended.





如果你攞住既係特區護照的話,甘就唔使驚啦....因為持有特區護照,以旅遊形式去歐盟絕大部分國家都係免簽證的...你可以上番政府網check番邊d國家可免簽 ps:據我所以知,德國是免簽的

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