





我今日去UA睇左10,000BC 覺得好好睇. 但係我唔知道個主角d名. 我好想知道佢地個名,佢地做得好好啊~w~" 唔該邊位知道佢地d資料,咩資料都得. 多謝>3< 更新: Stranger 你可唔可以把你回答的答案既英文邊少少中文^ ^"我唔係好識睇!~w~ 同你可唔可以介紹下你比既網址,同講下入邊d野!THX


10,000BC 公元前10,000年 導演: 羅倫艾默烈治 演員: 史提芬史察, 卡美拉貝爾(Camilla Belle) 故事簡介: 一個偏遠山區的部落之中,年青獵人德里(史提芬史察飾演)找到他夢寐以求的女孩 ── 標貌標緻的艾維娜(卡美拉貝爾飾演)。可是,一群來自遠方的神秘野蠻人突然入侵德里的村莊 ,擄走了艾維娜。為了拯救深愛的艾維娜及其他族人,德里决定率領一小隊獵人隊伍前往營救。 在命運的主宰下,德里和他的夥伴將會闖入一個又一個危機四伏的未知國度,並要與劍齒虎和史前野獸搏鬥。在這次傳奇的旅程盡頭等着他們的,竟是一個意想不到的失落的文明世界 -- 他們將會親眼見證一個超乎想像的强大帝國,目睹一直達天界的金字塔。為了解放被擄當奴隸的族人,及救回深愛的艾維娜,德里勇敢地於力量強大的神祉對抗,成就了他的英雄故事。 Camilla Belle(女主角) information: Date of Birt: 2 October 1986, Los Angeles, California, USA Birth Name: Camilla Belle Routh Height: 5' 8" (1.73 m) Trade Mark: Her dark, defined eyebrows Trivia: Was in a commercial for America's Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) during the late 1990s Her mother is Brazilian, her father is American. Speaks fluent English and Portuguese. Likes Brazilian food: feijoada (typical plate made with pork and beans), p?o-de-queijo (typical bread made with cheese) and brigadeiro (sweet made with chocolate). Daughter of Deborah Gould. She was named after actress Renata Sorrah's character, Camila, in the Brazilian soap opera "Cavalo de A?o" (1973). Likes to watch Brazilian soap operas with her mom Deborah and used to visit her mother's family in S?o Paulo. People call her by middle name Belle Attended Marlborough School, an elite all girls school in Los Angeles. Friends with actors Justin Chatwin and Jamie Bell, whom she met on the set of The Chumscrubber (2005). She is an aspiring classical pianist. She has also been involved in various charities and is an international spokesperson for "Kids With A Cause", created to provide a helping hand to children suffering from poverty, hunger, lack of education, neglect or abuse. Went to St Paul's Catholic Elementary School which is located in West Los Angeles, California 想了解這套戲or其他演員的更多資料可到


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