Chocolate Chip CookiesMake 60.What you need:1 cup margarine 1/2cup chopped nuts2 eggs 3cup chocolate chips3/4cup sugar 1 large bowl1/2cocoa 1 mixing spoon1 cup flour 1 baking trayWhat you do:1.Pour the margarine and... 顯示更多 Chocolate Chip Cookies Make 60. What you need: 1 cup margarine 1/2cup chopped nuts 2 eggs 3cup chocolate chips 3/4cup sugar 1 large bowl 1/2cocoa 1 mixing spoon 1 cup flour 1 baking tray What you do: 1.Pour the margarine and sugar into the large bowl. Beat them with a mixing spoon until you get a creamy mixture. 2.Add the eggs, one at a time and continue to beat until is smooth. 3.Slowly add in the cocoa, flour, nuts and chocolate chips. Then stir the mixture well. 4.Put spoonfuls of the mixture on the baking tray. 5.Bake in the oven for 10 minutes at 350degrees. 6.Remove the cookies from the baking tray and let them cool on a rack.
碎朱古力曲奇餅 (可做60塊) 材料: 植物牛油 1杯 碎果仁 1/2 杯 雞蛋 2隻 朱古力碎 3杯 糖 3/4杯 可可粉 1/2杯 麵粉 1杯 工具: 攪拌用湯匙 1隻 焗盆 1個 大碗 1隻 做法: 1. 將植物牛油及糖倒入大碗內,用湯匙攪打,直至呈現忌廉狀 2. 每次加入一隻雞蛋,繼續攪打直至軟滑 3. 慢慢加入可可粉、麵粉、果仁及朱古力,好好攪拌 4. 用湯匙將粉料放在焗盆上 5. 用350度焗爐焗10分鐘 6. 將曲奇取出,放在架上放涼 (以下是私人建議) A. 用手攪打的曲奇做出來比較硬,喜歡吃鬆脆的曲奇最好用打蛋器 B. 焗盆要輕輕塗油或墊錫紙,以免黏底 C. 在做步驟1之前要開動焗爐預熱 D. 要用室溫雞蛋,不可用冷雞蛋