工商及科技局助理貿易主任 (Assistant Trade Officer II)
想搵2007年呢份工的廣告, 或者同呢份工有關的資料, 謝謝! Interview 是怎樣???
Department/Bureau: Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau Rank Title: Assistant Trade Officer II Entry Salary (per month): $15,215 Entry Requirements: (1) Have a Hong Kong degree, or equivalent; and (2) Have a valid pass in all the three papers (Use of Chinese, Use of English and the Aptitude Test) of the Common Recruitment Examination (CRE). Type of Work: Mainly deployed on research and analysis of trade, industry, technology and innovation matters; assisting in the management of licensing and controls matters; assisting in the design and development of computer systems relating to trade controls matters and industrial data; collating and analysing industrial information; assisting in the implementation of funding programmes relating to innovation and technology; assisting in the housekeeping of government-funded technology support organization; and arranging factory/company visits. May be required to attend conferences/other events or to assist in negotiations in Hong Kong, Mainland or overseas. May also be appointed as a committee secretary. Next Higher Rank: Assistant Trade Officer I There is at present no vacancy opened up for the post of Assistant Trade Officer II. Nevertheless, you can always check the following web page at the Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau for any possible availability in the near future: http://www.citb.gov.hk/cib/ehtml/job-opp.html 參考資料: Civil Service Bureau & Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau website